Thursday, May 08, 2008

Hello Again

I have been blessed lately by misguided souls asking why I hadn't added to this space in a while. I appreciate the thought that anything written here in the past might have been helpful. Elijah has always been one of my heroes not because he confronted Baal, but because he was not a literary prophet. While other prophets might polish their oracles against Edom, Elijah spurned the pen and left time for running and pouting, whining and hiding. Elijah did some pretty wonderful things, but he didn't write about them. Other folks wrote about his exploits and his confrontations with the popular powers.

Now while this may seem to be an apology for laziness, one might at least note the outcomes of the literary prophets versus the outcome of the life of Elijah. Isaiah was sawn into. Jeremiah shuffled off to Egypt with the folks even the Babylonians didn't want. Elijah hops in the chariot of fire and flies off to glory. The one who asked to be allowed to die, wasn't. So…I am thinking that the prophet who leaves no writings may be the superior prophet.

Even on the Mount of Tranfiguration, the Great Non-Literary Prophet gets to meet with Elijah, the one who blazed that inkless trail. Well, Moses was there, too. Chalk one up for the writers.

I will probably write a bit here, since the way it looks I am headed for being sawn in two and not to any meeting with a chariot of fire. But I really admire Elijah.


At 12:10 PM, Blogger Brock Paulk said...

Glad you're back...

Jim and Sue sure had good things to say about their weekend with you with the Renewal Network...Glad y'all survived the hail!

At 10:02 PM, Blogger Carisse said...

Welcome back...

At 10:46 AM, Blogger ymbuddy said...

I've stared at this comment page for several minutes. Words wouldn't come to me. Thoughts and sentiments were as numerous as mosquitoes the day after a summer rain, but no words would come. I even "clicked" out of the comment page only to return a few minutes later.

I miss my friend. Not that we talked all that much in recent days, or even when we officed in adjacent closets, but still yet my heart yearns for a few quiet and peaceful moments beneath a tree, driving through New Mexico, drinking sweet tea with an old friend or just installing a radio in car together. Your life has blessed mine and I will not soon allow those memories to pass. Bless you in your ministry to our friends at UCC.


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