Walking Outside the Lines
I have been a member of the Emmaus Community in Abilene for ten years. This group puts on the "Walk to Emmaus" retreats that you may have heard about. I have been appreciated by some for this involvement and nailed to the wall by others for it. A few speaking engagements have fallen through over the years because I have been a part of the Emmaus community. But what a blessing it has been in my life! I have enjoyed meeting people from other corners of the world of Christian faith. I have people who pray for me always who are not members of churches of Christ. I join other members of the churches of Christ who are praying continually for men and women of other fellowships. We are able to love each other even though we are not exactly alike.
At no point in involvement in the Emmaus circle is one asked to give up a doctrinal belief that he or she holds dear. We have great respect for our differences. We have also great respect for the elements of faith that we hold in common. I have had the opportunity to present careful discussion of the basic elements of the restoration plea. I have talked about our desire to be Christians only without claiming to be the only Christians. I have been able to talk about baptism as an act of faith, rather than legalism, that is a part of the response of faith God calls for from those who seek him. I have gotten tremendously positive feedback from people who say they now understand churches of Christ better and respect us more. This positive outcome is the result of sitting down with people. It comes from an atmosphere of mutual respect for God, his word and one another.
The thing that thrills me always after being with the Emmaus folks is that they really do love us and respect our knowledge and love of Scripture. They love the way we can sing. I have learned so much from these others, too. I have learned to be more constant in prayer, more joyful in worship, more aware of the depth of sin in the world and more trusting that God is at work in the world as his kingdom continues to come.
Blessed be the name of the Lord. May the Great Body of Christ in the world respond with joy to the opportunities created by mission of God to seek and save the lost. May churches of Christ love God so completely that they will always be a tool in the hand of God as he does his work.